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Re: request to register (E.164 CC+TIC = +991 001 for NeuStar's ENUM trials as per ITU-TSB)

Dear Tom McGarry,

the RIPE NCC has received the following answer from ITU-T TSB:

->->->-> Original Message ->->->->
Subject: request to register
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 11:34:06 +0200
From: "Hill, Richard" <richard.hill@localhost
To: "'enum-request@localhost" enum-request@localhost

The expiration date for the approval of this delegation is currently 6
December 2002, not 16 November as mistakenly stated in my message of 17
May 2002.

Richard Hill

Richard Hill
Counsellor, SG2
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
tel: +41 22 730 5887
FAX: +41 22 730 5853
Email: richard.hill@localhost
Study Group 2 email: tsbsg2@localhost
<-<-<-<- Original Message <-<-<-<-

and therefore has delegated the zone as you have requested after
checking the technical correctness.

Kind Regards,

Carsten Schiefner
External Relations

"Gallant, Andy" wrote:
> To:     richard.hill@localhost enum-request@localhost
> NeuStar respectfully requests that the ENUM domain
> name be registered and delegated.
> This name corresponds to the E.164 CC+TIC = +991 001,
> which is for NeuStar's ENUM trials as per the ITU-TSB.
> Below please find the initial delegation request
> formatted consistent with the template at
> http://www.ripe.net/enum/request.html,
> and it is submitted according to the draft request
> instructions at http://www.ripe.net/enum/.
> Please feel free to contact me if there are any
> questions.  I am currently attending the Q1/2
> meeting in Geneva and will respond as soon as
> I am able, via email or phone.
> Thank you for your kind consideration.
> With cordial regards,
> -Andy Gallant
> 2.1. Domain Object
> domain:
> descr:         Trial domain for NeuStar ENUM trials
> descr:         for E.164 CC = +991 and
> descr:         TIC = 001 as per the ITU-TSB
> admin-c:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> tech-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> zone-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> nserver:       NS1.RFC2916.COM
> nserver:
> nserver:       NS2.RFC2916.COM
> nserver:
> remarks:
> notify:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> mnt-by:        (New entry)
> mnt-lower:
> refer:
> changed:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> changed:       20020206
> source:        RIPE
> 2.2. Administrative Contact
> person:        Andrew Gallant
> address:       NeuStar, Inc.
> address:       1120 Vermont Ave NW Suite 400
> address:       Washington DC 20005 USA
> phone:         +1 202 533 2812
> fax-no:        +1 202 533 2987
> e-mail:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> nic-hdl:       (New entry)
> remarks:
> notify:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> mnt-by:        (New entry)
> changed:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> changed:       20020206
> source:        RIPE
> 2.3. Technical Contact
> role:          Security Group
> address:       NeuStar, Inc.
> address:       200 S. Wacker Dr. #3400
> address:       Chicago, IL 60606
> address:       UNITED STATES
> phone:         +1 312 928 4690
> fax-no:
> e-mail:        sec_grp@localhost
> trouble:
> admin-c:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> tech-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> zone-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> remarks:
> notify:        sec_grp@localhost
> notify:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> mnt-by:        (New entry)
> changed:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> changed:       20020206
> source:        RIPE
> 2.4. Zone Contact
> role:          Security Group
> address:       NeuStar, Inc.
> address:       200 S. Wacker Dr. #3400
> address:       Chicago, IL 60606
> address:       UNITED STATES
> phone:         +1 312 928 4690
> fax-no:
> e-mail:        sec_grp@localhost
> trouble:
> admin-c:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> tech-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> zone-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> remarks:
> notify:        sec_grp@localhost
> notify:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> mnt-by:        (New entry)
> changed:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> changed:       20020206
> source:        RIPE
> 2.5. Maintainer Object
> mntner:        (New entry)
> descr:         (New entry)
> admin-c:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> tech-c:        sec_grp@localhost
> upd-to:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> upd-to:        sec_grp@localhost
> upd-to:        tom.mcgarry@localhost
> mnt-nfy:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> mnt-nfy:       sec_grp@localhost
> mnt-nfy:       tom.mcgarry@localhost
> auth:          (New entry)
> remarks:       The point of contact for mtner is
> remarks:       Tom McGarry
> remarks:       NeuStar, Inc.
> remarks:       1120 Vermont Ave NW Suite 400
> remarks:       Washington DC 20005 USA
> remarks:       tel +1 202 533 2810
> remarks:       fax +1 202 533 2987
> remarks:       email tom.mcgarry@localhost
> notify:        tom.mcgarry@localhost
> notify:        andrew.gallant@localhost
> mnt-by:        (New entry)
> auth-override:
> referral-by:   (New entry)
> changed:       andrew.gallant@localhost
> changed:       20020206
> source:        RIPE
> ---end---
> - Andrew Gallant
> - Senior Technical Industry Liaison
> - NeuStar, Inc.
> - 1120 Vermont Avenue NW Suite 400
> - Washington, DC 20005  USA
> - Tel:  +1 202 533 2812
> - Fax:  +1 202 533 2987
> - Email:        andrew.gallant@localhost

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