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RIPE DB transition and RFC2725
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Joao Luis Silva Damas
joao at
Fri Mar 9 17:03:31 CET 2001
At 10:58 -0500 9/3/01, Lu, Ping wrote: > >And NO you can't get all route information from just one RR unless we all >sit down and seriously >talking about the GLOBAL issues. Yes indeed. I would love to see the day where the 3 RIRs can run an rps/rps-auth compliant whois server (independently of the code base used to do it). Even if people still register with the RADB, having the IP address and autnum information available in a common standard format would enable quite a few things. Joao > >Ping Lu >Cable & Wireless Global >Network Tools and Analysis Group, USA >W: +1-703-292-2359 >E: plu at
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