[certtest] Certification test portal ready for testing

Dear certification testers,


As mentioned in the previous update, the last month we’ve concentrated on delivering a test-ready system. This version is now test-ready, and can be accessed by pointing your browser to:




This url  contains the basic interface of the RPKI, which is still in its early stages. Many of the functionalities here will evolve over time, for which we really appreciate your input and comments.


You can log in by using the credentials which will be send in an follow-up email shortly after this email.


At this point you can use the interface to:

·         create a key pair

·         request a resource certificate

·         view resource certificates


For your convenience we have made a screencast that shows how to perform these tasks, which can be found here.


Any feedback is highly appreciated and can be given by sending an email to certtest@localhost !




Erik Pragt

Software Developer at RIPE NCC