[Apwg-ipv6-papi] Presentation: It was a hard discussion

Sonderegger Olaf ABRAXAS INFORMATIK AG Olaf.Sonderegger at abraxas.ch
Wed Oct 16 11:39:17 CEST 2013

Thank you all. It was a hard discussion for you.

One point from my side (discussion was too fast to interrupt it):
Why don't remove PI only, if an organisation want addresses, it has to be RIPE member. So, we could go ahead with policy proposal but remove Sub-Allocation/End Site/and so on definition. Based on last year decision, costs to be a RIPE member sank. Not for everyone, but mostly, it would be a way.

Cheers Olaf

Olaf Sonderegger
Dipl. Ingenieur FH
IT Architekt
Shared Services Operations

Abraxas Informatik AG

Waltersbachstrasse 5 | CH-8006 Zürich
Direkt +41 58 660 44 94 | Mobile +41 79 708 70 86 | Fax +41 58 660 00 09
olaf.sonderegger at abraxas.ch<mailto:olaf.sonderegger at abraxas.ch> | www.abraxas.ch<http://www.abraxas.ch>

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