Re: [anti-spam-wg] Updated Charter Proposal


And on foot of this I have received a couple of comments and some
advice.  I've made some minor but important changes to the document
for your consideration.  If there are no further substantive comments
made before August 15th I would like to recommend the new Charter to
the RIPE chair.  The only question then is the coin-flip between the
two real options for a new name, the Anti-Abuse WG or simply the Abuse

Again, the suggested Charter will reduce focus on SPAM and instead target
a more diffuse and consequently more difficult issue.

SPAM in itself is a big enough problem to be dealth with, other issues
are minor and may have totally other means to combat.

I do not mind creating a new working group that deals with abuse in
general, but do not dilute SPAM-fighting efforts with other issues.

Thank you for your comments, however at this point I firmly believe we
have reached rough consensus on this matter and it has been generally
agreed by the working group that the change will take place.  I do hope
(and believe) there will still be sufficient attention given to purely
SMTP abuse in the years to come.

Sadly SPAM is far from the only abusive behaviour on the Internet today
and it is inextricably tied up with a wide range of other types of
abuse, so much so that two separate working groups would simply preside
over duplication of work.

