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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] Anti-spam draft agenda RIPE 47

Other items welcome (mail me or the list);
also offers to speak briefly on any of these.
Can anyone report from ASRG this time?

Anti-spam WG draft agenda for RIPE 47, Amsterdam January 2004.
1600-1730 Tuesday 27 January.

A    Administrative Matters
     A1   Scribe
     A2   List of participants
     A3   Agenda
     A4   Minutes
     A5   Alternative WG chair
B    Update
     B1   DNSBLs tutorial (Sabri Berisha) (see below)
     B2   Recent list discussion
     B3   Developments in UBE
               Bots and trojans
     B4   Developments in anti-spam
               ASRG update
     B5   Legislation
               European Commission
     B6   Products

C    Technical measures
     C1   Sender verification
     C2   Filtering

D    Interactions
     D1   Marketers
     D2   Other ISPs
     D3   Bulk mailers
     D4   RIRs
     D5   ASRG

E    Advice

X    AOB

Y    Future tasks
     Y1   WG direction

Z    Agenda for RIPE 48

DNSBL tutorial
DNS Block Lists started with the MAPS RBL and are now a widely used
technology for applying source IP address restrictions to SMTP mail
handlers, using the DNS as a database and an access technology. The
tutorial will cover client use of DNSBLs (configuring current mail
products to refer to them) and the technical issues in providing a
DNSBL. Hands-on demo.

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