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Re: E-mail address masquerading for archived mail messages

Hi Wilfried,

>>> When masquerading is applied, the e-mail address of the sender will be
>>> hidden in the mail archived messages. Those reading archived mail will see
>>> a return e-mail address that appears as "somebody@localhost". When
>>> clicking on this e-mail address, the address of the original sender will be
>>> loaded in your mail program, enabling you to send a message to the author.
> Just for clarification, this is going to have interesting side-effects:
> - it's not going to work for those of us who do NOT use a web browser
>   to send and/or manage their mail-traffic, and

But you would have to use a web-browser to get to the archives anyhow?

Assuming at the very basic you use a simple text-only setup, the process to
get the real email address, does work in the most basic of browsers, lynx
(or at least on 2.8.3 that I tested it on).
> - even if - it seems to require JavaScript being enabled in the browser
>   which, again, some of us do not have ON by default.

This is not the case, try running $BROWSER with javascript off, it still
works :)


Mally Mclane
RIPE NCC - Operations

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