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[lagoon007@localhost: How are you?]

This mailing list seems to leak email adresses to the public.

I got the attached spam delivered to an email addresse
which I *only* use for this RIPE anti-spam work group
subscription. It was NEVER used for anything else.

Did anyone else from this list get the same spam?
It is attached to this letter.

Med venlig hilsen / Regards 
Netdriftgruppen / Network Management Group

Tlf./Phone   +45 35 87 89 41   |  UNI-C
Fax.         +45 35 87 89 90   |  Bygning 304
                               |  DK-2800 Lyngby

--- Begin Message ---
              * Toss The 9 to 5 *

Does Financial Freedom Interest You?
How about being your own boss?
Working your own hours?
Answering ONLY to yourself?
Skydiving in Egypt? (just making sure you're listening)

Are you interested in applying your skills towards 
Direct Marketing and the Internet?
If you are motivated, trainable and serious about starting
a home-based business, then we would like to talk with you!


To be removed from this list reply with "Remove"
in the subject line.

--- End Message ---

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