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Re: Relays, Blacklists, and Laws (was: spam-tools?)

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Anders Andersson wrote:

> Sabri Berisha sabri@localhost commented:

> >ORBS did not portscan. ORBS has tested mailservers which have been
> >nomitated by third parties who had reasons to think those servers were
> >open relays.

> as closed to ORBS, and the listing was removed within a couple of
> days.  I never noticed any bounced mail due to our ORBS listing,
> and I didn't consider it a major issue.  I even thanked them for
> notifying me at all, even though I thought they overdid it.

Some of my customers have been open relays too. After I acl't them, they
were gone in days too.
> Now, I'm definitely concerned about MAPS being legally threatened
> in the way that forced ORBS to give up, and I intend to block mail
> from any ISP demonstrating a willingness to harass MAPS or others
> who serve us.  A legal injunction against MAPS to make them stop
> listing a particular IP address, whether justified or not, is a
> threat to our computer security, and I couldn't care less about
> the opinion of a U.S. or N.Z. judge in this matter.

Besides the new ORBS group (http://orbs.gst-group.co.uk/), MAPS is the
only anti-spam-scan group that I know of. Despite the fact they have some
bad things too, I do agree that it is a *bad* thing if they would be
forced to close down.

/* Sabri Berisha CCNA,BOFH,+iO        O.O        speaking for just myself
 * Join HAL!!: www.HAL2001.org ____oOo_U_oOo____ http://www.bit.nl/~sabri
 *  "We deliver quality services, we just can't get it on the internet"
 *   Anonymous sysadmin - on IRC                                       */

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