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Re: http://maps.vix.com/dul/

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 17:54:00 GMT, hamster@localhost writes:
>The question here is are we required to accept email from any source
>on the net?

my POV is: no, nobody can force us to accept stuff from all
around the globe, since it's our precious infrastructure that's getting used. 

therefore it's ok to decide to deliberately block someone from (ab)using
your gear iff there is a problem with the originator that can't be dealt
with otherwise.

otoh, i think that _by default_ blocking all those dialup ranges would 
be too harsh and restrictive a measure. iff you've got ongoing trouble with
some provider (no, i won't mention uunet here ;-) ) then it's 
appropriate to block them.

i would not like to force all internet users to use their providers
mailrelays for their mail. (although most gui-mua's nowadays won't
work without a smarthost anyways...)


++ Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Zangerl ++ EUnet tech staff ++
++ A.Zangerl@localhost               NIC AZ163 ++
++ Phone +43-1-899 33-0        Fax +43-1-899 33-533 ++

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