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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

Beebit said:
> If you have not done so already, please have a look at
> http://www.ispo.cec.be/Ecommerce/legal.htm#legal
> which contains text and commentary on a proposed EU Directive.  Of
> particular interest to this forum is:-

> I would be very interested in seeing the reactions of ISP operators to this
> provision of the proposed Directive.

Okay, I've now read the whole of the damned thing.

It's mostly pretty kind to ISPs. There are a number of tweaks that are
needed; for example, articles 12 to 14 should allow technical modifications
such as audit information in email headers.

As far as article 7 (anti-spam) is concerned, it looks pretty good. I don't
buy the claim that it requires a modified Subject line. I think that we can
invoke article 16, write an RFC defining an anti-UCE header (I'll even
volunteer to do it), and have that be the agreed industry standard for
obeying this article.

Clive D.W. Feather       | Email: clive@localhost   | Tel: +44 1733 705000
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