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Minutes 36th Executive Board Meeting

Author: Daniele Bovio
Date: 22 July 2003, 10:00 CET (Teleconference)
Revision No.: 1.0

Kees Neggers – Chair (KN)
Frode Greisen – ICANN Liaison - Secretary(FG)
Janos Zsako – Co-opted member (JZ)
Daniele Bovio – Co-opted member (DB)
Manfredo Miserocchi – Treasurer (MM)
Axel Pawlik – Managing Director (AP)
Sabine Mader – Executive Assistant
Jochem de Ruig – CFO (JDR)


  1. Agenda/Comments
    1.1. Apologies/New Agenda Points
    1.2. Approval previous Minutes - - # 34, 030619
    1.3. Date of next meeting
  2. Outstanding Actions
  3. Preperation of GM
    3.1. Activity Plan
    3.2. Budget
    3.3 Membership categories
    3.4. Charging Schemes
    3.5. Clearinghouse
    3.6. Articles of Association
    3.7. Elections
  4. Any Other Business
  5. Outstanding Actions

1. Agenda/Comments

1.1. Apologies/New Agenda Points

No new points were added

1.2. Approval previous Minutes - # 34, 030619

The minutes of the previous meeting #34 were approved.

1.3. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on September 1st at 3pm CET in Amsterdam.

2. Outstanding Actions

(see attached)

Actions were discussed and marked as appropriate. See action list at the end of the minutes.

3. Preparation of GM

3.1 Activity Plan

The activity plan was received and discussed. 5 separate documents will be produced to be presented for resolution at the AGM, in this sequence: Activity plan, ”old” budget (3 membership categories), “old” charging scheme (3 membership categories), “new” budget (5 billing categories), “new” charging scheme (5 billing categories).

3.2 Budget

The proposed draft budget was approved.

3.3. Membership categories

It was noted that we need to explain the boundaries between the new categories. The algorithm is the same as in the past, i.e. the boundaries are determined by the target % of each category. If a large number of members fall close to the boundary, thus increasing the % number of members beyond the target, they shall be moved to the higher category. The process will be then iterated for all categories, going up from very small to very large.

3.4. Charging Schemes

The new algorithm need a clear explanation, JDR will produce text to this effect, including a reference to the minimum allocation for Ipv4 and Ipv6. After discussion it is decided not to create the Associate Member category.

EB95/22/07/03 JDR
To produce the text clearly explaining the new algorithm for determination of the categories.

3.5. Clearinghouse

Lawyers cleared that it is legal for the RIPE NCC to take last year's losses out of the clearinghouse. The current algorithm to keep track of it though is very complicated, this is why we still need to change it. The board will report at the AGM that there is a problem with the current procedure, as decided during last meeting.

3.6. Articles of Association

The new draft of the AA was received and discussed.
Article 8 needs to be changed as it makes the process less flexible than before. The goal is to have new elected members of the board to take office as soon as the AGM at which they were elected is closed. Article 15 needs changes (currently makes 2 AGMs per year mandatory) and that is not desirable. All other changes were approved. AP will liaise with the lawyers to produce the new text, in line with the Board decision. The board decides to follow the lawyer's suggestion to prepare a resolution for the AGM concerning the service agreement.

EB95/22/07/03 AP
To liaise with the lawyers to produce the new text of the AA in line with the Board decisions.

3.7. Elections

The usual procedure for drafting nominees will be followed.

4. Any Other Business


Outstanding Actions

EB70 / 03/09/02 / JR, AP
To review income and cost of RIPE meetings
Deadline: 13 December 2002
Status 16/12/02: more detailed data required
Status 28/01/03: ONGOING
Status 04/04/03: ONGOING, new deadline: 1 June 2003
Status 18/06/03: ONGOING the Board will receive it during week 26.
Status 22/07/03: ONGOING.

EB76 / 16/12/02 / AP
Further development of financial scenarios, possible membership
developments including alternative membership classes
Status 28/01/03: ONGOING
Status 04/04/03: ONGOING, expected to be ready by next meeting
Status 18/06/03: ONGOING, a full document describing 3 scenarios, activity plan and charging scheme, including explanation of the numbers, will be available by 11/7/03.
Status 22/07/03: ONGOING, It will be done by October 22, 2003.

EB82 / 04/04/03/ ALL
To work out concrete plans for improvement of the RIPE NCC operational and organisational structure in time for the General Meeting in September 2003
Status 18/06/03: ONGOING.
Status 22/07/03: Done, Closed

EB84/18/06/03 DB
Take the minutes of the 34th Board meeting.
Status 22/07/03: Done

EB85/18/06/03 DB
Help Axel in the preparation of the agenda of the 35th Board meeting.
Status 22/07/03: Done

EB86/18/06/03 JDR
To book the cost of RIPE NCC staff attendance to RIPE meetings to auditors' satisfaction.
Status 22/07/03: Ongoing

EB87/18/06/03 AP
Prepare a document to comment on the Auditors management letter for the next Board meeting.
Status 22/07/03: Ongoing. To be ready in 2 weeks (August, 5, 2003)

EB88/18/06/03 JDR
To circulate the current ruling document on the clearinghouse asap.
Status 22/07/03: Done

EB89/18/06/03 AP
To lead the issue concerning the clearinghouse procedures, and present the Board with a final proposition for ratification before July 25th.
Status 22/07/03: Closed, OBE

EB90/18/06/03 AP
To circulate the 1st draft of the Activity Plan by June 27th.
Status 22/07/03: Done