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Minutes 35th Executive Board Meeting

Author: Daniele Bovio
Date: 1 July 2003, 10:00 CET (Teleconference)
Revision No.: 1.1

Kees Neggers - Chair (KN)
Frode Greisen - ICANN Liaison - Secretary(FG)
Janos Zsako - Co-opted member (JZ)
Daniele Bovio - Co-opted member (DB)
Manfredo Miserocchi - Treasurer (MM)
Axel Pawlik - Managing Director (AP)
Sabine Mader - Executive Assistant
Jochem de Ruig - CFO (JDR) (part of the meeting)


  1. Agenda/Comments
    1.1. Apologies/New Agenda Points
    1.2. Approval previous Minutes - - # 34, 030618
    1.3. Date of next meeting
  2. Outstanding Actions
  3. Preperation of GM
    3.1. Activity Plan
    3.2. Budget
    3.3 Membership categories
    3.4. Charging Schemes
    3.5. Clearinghouse
    3.6. Articles of Association
    3.7. Elections
  4. ICANN
    4.1 Reporting from Montreal
    4.2 NRO incorporation
    5.1 Discussion of RIPE NCC comment on Management Letter
  6. Any Other Business
  7. Outstanding Actions

1. Agenda/Comments

1.1. Apologies/New Agenda Points


1.2. Approval previous Minutes - # 34, 030618

The minutes were not final yet, and will be approved via the mailing list.

1.3. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on July 22nd at 10h00 CET via conference call.

2. Outstanding Actions

(see attached)

The discussion of the Action items was postponed to the next meeting.

3. Preparation of GM

3.1 Activity Plan

A draft activity plan was produced by the RIPE NCC and welcomed by the Board.

3.2 Budget

A draft budget 2004 was received and discussed. The Board decided that two versions of the budget shall be produced and published, one structured like the current one, the other structured to reflect the chapters/areas of the activity plan. The (latter) new version of the Budget 2004 will be distributed by JDR by Friday July 4th.

EB91/01/07/03 JDR
To produce and circulate the differently structured version of the budget 2004 by July 4th.

3.3. Membership categories

3.4. Charging Schemes

A draft document describing new membership categories options was received and discussed.
The board resolved to focus on a scenario based on 5 categories, which includes the variable time, and weighted AS and IPV6 criteria.

EB92/01/07/03 JDR
To produce and circulate the new version of the membership categories and resulting charges by July 11th.

3.5. Clearinghouse

The current ruling was circulated by JDR. The Clearing house need to continue for contingency purposes but the current system is complex and very cumbersome to operate. The membership will be informed that the current system is no longer suitable/adapted, and we need to change it. The membership will be requested to give the board mandate to talk to the tax authorities and change it appropriately.

3.6. Articles of Association

A new draft of the Articles of Association was received.
It is necessary to produce a clear service agreement description and distribute it to members, as the Association can take decisions which have direct impact on the service agreement.

EB93/01/07/03 AP
To talk to the advisors and see that a new draft of the Articles of Association is produced.

EB94/01/07/03 AP
To circulate a document showing the differences between the last draft and this draft of the Articles of Association.

3.7. Elections

Elections will occur as decided at the last board meeting (#34)


4.1. reporting from Montreal

AP verbally reported on the meetings held in Montreal with the ICANN and with the US Dept. of Commerce.
The new ICANN managing Director Paul Twomey was informed that the RIRs are working on the NRO, a consortium of the RIRs which the RIRs plan to establish to handle joint actions and operations where required. It is stressed that the civil service contract between RIR and ICANN is still necessary because it stipulates that ICANN allocates addresses to RIRs.

4.2. NRO incorporation

The RIRs are working toward an NRO to represent the RIRs working in concert. The RIPE NCC board prefers the option of signing an MoU among the RIRs at the beginning, possibly followed by incorporation at a later stage.


5.1. Discussion of RIPE NCC comment on Management Letter

The document was not ready due to other priorities. The item will be discussed when the document is ready (possibly at the next meeting).

6. Any Other Business


Outstanding Actions

EB76 / 16/12/02 / AP
Further development of financial scenarios, possible membership
developments including alternative membership classes
Status 28/01/03: ONGOING
Status 04/04/03: ONGOING, expected to be ready by next meeting
Status 18/06/03: ONGOING, a full document describing 3 scenarios,
activity plan and charging scheme, including explanation of the numbers,
will be available by 11/7/03.
Status 01/07/03: Discussion moved to next meeting

EB82 / 04/04/03/ ALL
To work out concrete plans for improvement of the RIPE NCC operational and
organisational structure in time for the General Meeting in September 2003
Status 18/06/03: ONGOING.
Status 01/07/03: Discussion moved to next meeting