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RIPE Policy Proposal Template

If you want to make a detailed policy proposal to the RIPE Policy Development Process, you should use the template on this page.

The template forms a structure for the proposal. It details the reason for the proposal and any perceived consequences of the proposal.

You should submit your proposal to the Chair of the relevant RIPE Working Group or the RIPE Chair.

The RIPE NCC identifies proposals with a number and publishes them on this page.

A proposal contributes to the formulation of a RIPE policy and will remain published on the RIPE community website under the proposer’s name. A proposal might be accepted or rejected by the RIPE community and proposers have the right to withdraw their proposal at any time.

Proposers have the right to be mentioned as contributors to the RIPE policies affected by their proposals, provided that their proposals are accepted by the RIPE community and the RIPE policies are amended accordingly. Proposals and related contributions to the RIPE policies are also publicly available information for the use of the RIPE community without prior permission. Proposers cannot restrict public access to their proposals or contribution to the RIPE policies, erase or amend them without the consent of the RIPE community.

Proposers waive any economic right related to their proposal or contribution to the RIPE policies and particularly any right of demanding compensation from anyone that reproduces or distributes their proposal/contribution in any way.
They understand that their contribution might be amended or erased by future RIPE policy changes. 

Policy Submission Template

Number: (assigned by the RIPE NCC)

Policy Proposal Name:

a. name
b. email
c. organisation

Proposal Version: (assigned by the RIPE NCC)

Submission Date:

Suggested RIPE WG for discussion and publication:

Proposal Type:
a. new
b. modification or deletion

Policy Term:
a. Temporary (time period)
b. Indefinite

Summary of proposal:

Policy text:
a. Current policy text (if modification)
b. New policy text

a. Arguments supporting the proposal
b. Arguments opposing the proposal