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Deploy360: The Future
Kevin Meynell

Neutral IXP in Albania
Daniele Arena

IoT Panel: Learning Curves
Marco Hogewoning

NAT64/DNS64 real life experiments, warnings and also one useful tool
Jan Zorz

Mad Men: About Selling Technology
Marco Hogewoning

Opening remarks from a SEE6 PC chairman
Jan Zorz

Montenegro Internet eXchange Point (MIXP) – a success story
Prof. Božo Krstajić, PhD

IXP Database and tools
Bijal Sanghani

Isolario, the real-time Internet routing observatory
Luca Sani

Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services
Pavle Mijuskovic

Software defined networking: Experimental research on QoS
Slavica Tomovic

Serbian Open eXchange - Seven years from the beginning
Nenad Krajnovic

MPLS in an IPv6-Only Network - Doable or a Bridge Too Far?
Berislav Todorovic

PC based software router
Nenad Krajnovic

Security concerns related to the Internet connected devices and IoT
Goran Slavic

Internet market in Montenegro
Vitomir Dragas

Management and Orchestration in Complex and Dynamic Environment
Rok Arzenšek

RIPE NCC Web Services
Adam Castle

PeeringDB Update
Arnold Nipper

By growing in exports we grow our ho.ME
Natasa Djukanovic

Kevin Meynell

Next SEE Meeting
Eric Andrei Băleanu

Sustainability is good for the Internet (and business too!)
Michael Oghia

Why don't you have IPv6?
Goran Slavic

Software defined networking: Experimental research on QoS
Slavica Tomovic

IXP Panelist
Bijal Sanghani

Government as DDoS Facilitator
Dmitry Kohmanyuk

Is Local Traffic Staying Local - What We See for the SEE Region with RIPE Atlas
Emile Aben

Results from RIPE NCC Hackathons: IXP Tools and DNS Measurements
Vesna Manojlovic

SEE 6 Opening Plenary
Serge Radovcic

Axel Pawlik

IoT Turning Evil
Ivana Tomic

Serge Radovcic