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Numbered Work Items

In order to facilitate an ordered discussion about issues and solutions, as well as report on the progress made with solution implementation, the RIPE Database Working Group employs the following process using Numbered Work Items (NWIs):


To kickstart the process, any db-wg participant can email the chairs with a snippet of text (a rough problem statement) and formally ask the chairs to make it a work item. The chairs can then say “yes”, and assign it a number, or “no”. If a number is assigned, the work item will be routed through the following three phases:

Phase 1: Problem Definition

In this phase we will work as a group on formulating an exact problem definition: text goes back and forth in the working group, example cases of the problem are provided. In a timeframe of two to three weeks the chairs declare consensus on the problem statement of the NWI.

Phase 1 output: A clearly defined problem statement, or a conclusion if we cannot agree upon a problem statement definition. If the latter is true, the NWI cannot proceed to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Solution Definition

Solution finding: People can propose solutions to a work item's problem statement. Solutions can come from RIPE NCC staff or from any working group member. The RIPE NCC may offer an implementation analysis on proposed solutions or aspects of solutions.

For the NWI to move to Phase 3, the RIPE NCC has to provide the working group with a summary of their understanding of the solution, and the chairs declare consensus on the group's acceptance of this summary.

Phase 3: Development and Deployment Phase

The RIPE NCC writes the code, sets timelines and milestones and documents the transitions/migration plan if applicable.


The project ends when the change has been deployed in the production environment.


The project can also end when the working group decides to cancel it.

Every month the RIPE NCC will update this page with an overview of all open NWIs, a brief summary of each, who is taking action and what that action is.

Numbered Work Items

NWI Status Short Description

Staying on top of abuse contact changes

Displaying history for database objects where available


Role of status: field in multivalued status context

Out of region ROUTE(6)/AUT-NUM objects

Applicable data model not clear from contextless objects

"abuse-c:" implementation

LIR´s SSO Authentication Groups


In-band notification mechanism


Definition of Country


Internationalised Domain Names (IDN)






Protecting References to Objects in the RIPE Database


Baseline requirements for registration information


Using RIPE Database as an IPAM solution


Historical data


Operational Contact Information


Change to AS-SET object naming rules