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WG Chair Biographies

Brian Nisbet

Brian Nisbet

Anti-Abuse Working Group Chair

Brian Nisbet is the RIPE Working Group Chairs representative on the RIPE Programme Committee. He has been active in the RIPE community since RIPE 48 and he currently co-chairs the Anti-Abuse Working Group. His day job is Network Operations Manager for HEAnet, the Irish NREN, where he mostly makes sure the packets are flowing in the right direction.

Markus de Brün

Markus de Brün

Anti-Abuse Working Group Chair

Markus graduated with a diploma in computer science from RWTH Aachen University. Since 2008, he has worked for the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) as a technical officer.

In his job, he is engaged in various Internet-related topics on an everyday basis. Beside abuse, these include DDoS attacks, policy discussions and protocols, particularly DNS and IPv6.

He joined the RIPE community around RIPE 62 and is a regular participant in the IETF as well as a member of the ISOC German Chapter.

Tobias Knecht

Tobias Knecht

Anti-Abuse Working Group Chair

With over 20 years in the security industry Tobias, CEO and Founder of Abusix, is a thought leader and the main driver of several initiatives that help the industry to keep the Internet safe.

Tobias is co-chair of the Anti-Abuse Working Group at RIPE and chairs several other initiatives and various organisations.