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Action Points

Action: 15.4 Bob Day/NCC To fold in the comments of the working group on the ripe-draft-hints-v1.txt, circulate the document to the wg list and publish as a ripe document. It was confirmed that Bob Day was extremely busy and that the action should be taken off him. Mike Norris volunteered to continue the work.

Action: 15.7 Marten Terpstra Fold in comments and republish amended ripe-72

Action: 15.10 Daniel Karrenberg To propose new tags "created" and "assigned" to the database working group for consideration.

Action: 15.17 Glenn Kowack and Tony Bates Write a top level introduction for the user as an add-on to the GISS paper once it has been written.

Action: 15.19 Peter Lothberg To draft document on Inter-AS local information.

Action: 15.21 Daniel Karrenberg To draft document on colouring.

Action: 16.1 Bernhard Stockman To define scope and work plan for the new RIPE working group

Action: 16.2 Daniel Karrenberg/Duncan Rogerson To draft policy on proxy network entries

Action: 16.3 NCC To publish a list of Internet Registries - draft list to be circulated on the local-ir list.

Action: 16.4 NCC To add to the new RIPE NCC Activity Plan - publishing and maintaining a list of local IRs:

Action: 16.5 Juliana Tamorri FAQ on CIDR and subnetting.

Action: 16.6 Daniel Karrenberg Why return unused IP address space and be a good network citizen.

Action: 16.7 NCC To offer to serve as temporary registrar for top level domains in Europe. Contact IANA.

Action: 16.8 NCC Put together a consolidated distribution of the new DB software, including a separate syntax checker for objects.

Action: 16.9 Wilfried Woeber Start discussion on the DB mailing list on new tools needed, e.g. template generator, syntax checker daemon at the NCC.

Action: 16.10 NCC Make the error reports form the DB syntax check publicly available.

Action: 16.11 NCC Implement changes to DB procedures according to the proposal "Authorization and Notification of Changes in the RIPE-DB" by Daniel Karrenberg.

Action: 16.12 NCC Implement changes to DB procedures for the guarded attributes according to the agreement.

Action: 16.13 Wilfried Woeber and NCC Produce documentation about "Background, History and Object Definitions" for the new database software before the end of 1993.

Action: 16.14 NCC Produce "Software Documentation" for the new database software asap.

Action: 16.15 NCC To approach the InterNIC to agree on the use of a subrange of the global NIC-Handle space for RIPE usage.

Action: 16.16 Henk Steenman and NCC (Tony Bates) Implement the dom-prefix: object for CLNS routing, after tightening the syntax definition and semantics of the CLNS-address hexadecimal string.

Action: 16.17 Jean-Michel Jouanigot To coordinate the transition from ripe-60 to ripe-81 format for routing description.

Action: 16.18 NCC Try to actually get the synchronisation of the various databases going, using the recently agreed DB Exchange Format.

Action: 16.19 NCC Start discussion on the mailing list by providing a first proposal how the functionality of the badly defined connect: attribute could be replaced (with the target group of the end-user in mind!) by using e.g. community: and other forthcoming tools from the PRIDE project.

Action: 16.20 Milan Sterba Produce a revised version of CDS guidelines and submit it as a RIPE draft.

Action: 16.21 Milan Sterba, Anne Lord Produce the umbrella hypertext document for the CDS.

Action: 16.22 Milan Sterba Solicit first contributions to the CDS.

Action: 16.23 NCC Create the [email protected] alias and establish procedures to integrate new CDS contributions and maps to the CDS.

Action: 16.23 Jean-Michel Jouanigot coordinate this conversion from ripe-60 -> ripe-81.

Action: 16.24 Rob Blokzijl To finalise the RIPE NCC Review draft report and document and send the report to the ripe-list for approval.

Action: 16.25 Rob Blokzijl Comments received will be incorporated into a first draft and circulated to the ripe-list for further comments. Deadline: next RIPE meeting in January 1994.

Action: 16.26 Rob Blokzijl Draft document with suggestions on how to reorganise RIPE meetings. Circulate to the RIPE list for discussion.