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RIPE 19 actions status report (JANUARY)

  • To: Reseaux IP Europeens < >
  • From: RIPE NCC Staff < >
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 17:18:47 +0100

RIPE 19 actions status report (JANUARY)

Below is the list of action items from the RIPE meeting (and previously).
The actions are grouped into two different categories: "Done" and "Open".
If you are on the list with an action against your name, would you please 
reply confirming the status of that action : ie. whether it has been 
"Done" or whether it is still "Open", with an expected approx date for 
completion, if possible.   This is the FINAL reminder before the RIPE
meeting which is just over a week away.

Thanks !

David Kessens
			Action List - RIPE 19
1. Done

Action: 19.9 Marten Terpstra
To set up environment to allow objects to be sent to "a test database".

Action: 19.13 Milan Sterba
Send e-mail to the prospective contributors to the CDS.

Action: 19.16 Stephan Biesbroeck
To ask RIPE NCC to create a trouble ticket only mailing list
which is maintained by the RIPE NCC.

2. Open 

Action: 17.1 Glenn Kowack
Volunteered to write a paper for discussion which would focus on
a funding model for the RIPE NCC.

Action: 17.7 Wilfried Woeber, NCC
To produce the necessary documentation for the new DB software - ongoing

Action: 17.8 NCC
To update and re-circulate the RIPE-Handle proposal and then go
ahead with the implementation - pending.

Action: 17.11 NCC
Investigate and propose a syntax-checking facility for the new db
software. volunteer needed.

Action: 17.20 Oleg Tabarovsky
To collect data on external lines and restrictions applying to each
line that will form part of the Russian back-bone. Send details
to oleg@localhost.

Action: 18.3 Geert Jan de Groot
Investigate monthly publication of error files on reverse zone files,
similar to hostcount error files.

Action: 18.5 Wilfried Woeber
Post the CEEnet Initiative maps to the RIPE FTP server.

Action: 18.16 Everyone in the Mbone group
Send in your Mbone maps to Erik-Jan Bos.

Action: 19.1 RIPE NCC
To survey RIPE community on content of RIPE NCC Quarterly Reports.

Action: 19.2 Mike Norris
At the 20th meeting to raise the training of local IR's as a topic
for discussion.

Action: 19.3 Daniel Karrenberg
To make an inventory document of the problems associated with charging
for address space.

Action: 19.4 Daniel Karrenberg
To recirculate draft proposal on use of private address space for
VSE's not connecting to the Internet. Circulate proposal to the WG
mailing list.

Action: 19.5 RIPE NCC
To organise a meeting between regional registries, with
representatives from the RIPE local - IR working group.

Action: 19.6 Geert Jan de Groot
To document new attribute "status" proposed to describe whether
a network is delegated, reserved or assigned. In progress.

Action: 19.7 RIPE NCC
Circulate revised reipe-115 to the local-ir mailing list for comments.

Action: 19.8 Daniel Karrenberg
To prepare specification for the format of the list of service providers.

Action: 19.10 Erik Jan Bos, Wilfried Woeber
Written proposal to extend the "inet-rtr" object ready before RIPE 20.

Action: 19.11 RIPE NCC
To propose new domain object for

Action: 19.12 Marten Terpstra
To write up the proposed "stored"/"processed" attribute.

Action: 19.14 Erik-Jan Bos
Write document describing how to use the rtr-obj to describe
location of m-routers.

Action: 19.15 Erik-Jan Bos
Find out about other vendors' implementations of PIM.

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