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Re: RARE Call for Tender for MS-Windows X.500 DUA using LDAP

  • To: coa-list@localhost, wg-all@localhost, ripe-list@localhost, dixon@localhost
  • From: Mike Newell mnewell@localhost
  • Date: Thu, 12 Aug 93 08:02:04 -0400
  • Cc: osi-ds@localhost, geir.pedersen@localhost, MABOGEN@localhost, Andrew.Findlay@localhost

>  RARE solicits tenders for the provision of a Directory User Agent
>  employing the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP/RFC1487) for
>  the MS-Windows operating system. Please direct all enquiries to the
>  RARE Secretariat (raresec@localhost, mail address below).
>  Analysis of products available for personal/desktop computer systems has
>  indicated that no LDAP solution is available for the MS-Windows
>  platform. RARE has therefore decided to encourage the provision of such
>  a solution by offering to assist with the development costs. A full
>  specification of the requirements is attached to this solicitation.

This has really surprised me.  I wrote one for NASA Headquarters this
weekend; it was designed to be REALLY simple and return the basic information
we need at Headquarters.  All told it took me about 60 hours to learn 
Visual C++, LDAP, and WINSOCK enough to generate a simple interface.

Surely there are others out there willing to share their projects????

Mike Newell
NASA Advanced Network Applications