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Re: RIPE DNS Hostcount July 1993

  • To: Piet.Beertema@localhost
  • From: Tony Bates <Tony.Bates@localhost
  • Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1993 13:54:45 +0200
  • Cc: Marten Terpstra <Marten.Terpstra@localhost, cerf@localhost, RIPE Discussion List ripe-list@localhost

 Piet.Beertema@localhost writes:
  *     - DE is getting very close to be the first European country
  *       to reach 100,000 machines.
  * With 90478 hosts the UK is also pretty close.
  * Interestingly, both countries once were X.25
  * addicts where IP was a curse... :-)
Even more interesting is much (almost all in the UK case) still runs on top
of X.25 infrastructure. Who says X.25 PLP is redundant (don't answer --
was a joke from someone who put a lot of the glue in place). 
  * 	Piet
