Request for Information re: Internet Service Providers

I am writing a book called Connecting to the Internet: A Buyer's Guide.  I
will be including a list (DLIST) of dedicated line providers to make it easy
for the reader to find a connection.  If you have a network and I have not
already contacted you, I need the information at the end of this message for
your network. If you would like to add your information, please reply by
Tuesday, July 20, noon.

The book is going to be published by O'Reilly and Associates and should be
available in August.  The list will be made available on the Internet
courtesy of O'Reilly upon completion.  Details are forthcoming about how to
get updates of DLIST or add your network information in the future.

This message should be forwarded to anyone you think should see it.  Thanks
for your assistance.

Susan Estrada
Network Name:  
Service Area:
FTP more info: 
Network Description (short paragraph):