14th RIPE Meeting Audiocast

                RIPE Meeting Audiocast

RIPE plans to audiocast the plenary sessions of its upcoming meeting
held in Prague, Czech Republic on Monday-Wednesday of next week, ie. 
January 25th-27th.  Bandwidth to/from Prague is quite limited and no
network level redundancy exists.  We will use GSM encoding in order to
save bandwidth.  Tests done over the last few weeks indicate that this
works with quite good sound quality.  However, last minute problems can
always force us to cancel the audiocast altogether. 

Anyone wishing to ask questions during the question periods is strongly
advised to use GSM encoding as the conference site will not be able to
understand you otherwise.  Depending on network load questions over the
net may not be available at all. 

We will be using the multicast group IETF-1-LOW-AUDIO.MCAST.NET
( and base port 4100.  The audiocast will be advertised
conference using the LBL sd (session directory) program.  Only one
channel of audio will be available. 

For general information about the necessary software and the MBONE
multicast backbone fetch the file mbone/faq.txt available from

The meeting schedule is appended below.  All times are central European
time which at that is 6 hours ahead of EST.  We are planning to
audiocast at least the following sessions. 

Monday January 25th	1400 - 1800  	Plenary Session

Tuesday January 26th	0900 - 1030	Routing Working Group

Wednesday January 27th	0900 - 1600  	Plenary Session
					including reports from the working
					groups on Tuesday


				   R I P E

			Agenda of the 14th RIPE meeting

			 January 25 - January 27, 1993

######################### Monday 25 January 14:00 h ##########################

 1. Opening (R Blokzijl)					15 min
       o welcome
       o approval of the agenda
       o papers tabled
       o organisation of the meeting
       o dinner for Tuesday evening

 2. Welcome (Prof.J Hlavicka)
       Prof.Jan Hlavicka is the Dean of the Faculty of
       Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University

 3. Minutes of the last meeting					15 min
       o approval of the minutes
       o action list

 4. GIX - progress report (P.Lothberg)				15 min

 5. RIPE and the RARE Technical Program (R.Blokzijl)            45 min
       o RIPE representation in the RTC
       o joint projects:
         - route server implementation (T.Bates)
         - generic Internet service specification (T.Bates)
	 - IPv7 overview; European involvement (T.Dixon)
	 - SIP pilot (C.Huitema)
......................... Break 16:00 h  -  16:30 h ............................

 6. The introduction of CIDR and BGP4 in Europe			60 min
       (P.Lothberg, A.Others)

 7. Introduction to the demonstrations (M.Sterba)		30 min

 8. The Internet - your local radio station (C.Malamud)         30 min

......................... End of day 1 18:30 h .................................


######################### Tuesday 26 January 09:00 h ###########################

Session A:

   A1 Combined meeting of the Routing WG and the Database WG
      Chairs: Jean-Michel Jouanigot and Wilfried Woeber

......................... Break 10:30 h  -  11:00 h ............................

Session B:

   B1 Routing WG
      Chair: Jean-Michel Jouanigot

   B2 Database WG
      Chair: Wilfried Woeber

......................... Lunch 12:30 h  -  14:00 h ............................

Session C:

   C1 Local Registries WG
      Chair: Daniel Karrenberg

   C2 Mapping WG
      Chair: Daniele Bovio

   C3 DNS WG
      Chair: Francis Dupont

......................... Break 16:00 h  -  16:30 h ............................

Session D:

      Chair: Glenn Kowack

   D2 Connectivity WG
      Chair: Milan Sterba

......................... End of day 2 18:00 h .................................

######################### Wednesday 27 January 09:00 h #########################

 9. RIPE NCC (D Karrenberg, P.V.Binst)				60 min
       o report
       o the future of the RIPE NCC:
	 - organisational position
	 - financing

10. Global Internet traffic measurement 			15 min
       o status of technical proposal (D.Karrenberg)
       o report on EBONE statistics project (W.v.d.Scheun)

......................... Break 10:30 h  -  11:00 h ............................

11. EBONE (P Jones, B Stockman)					60 min
       o status report
       o plans for EBONE 93

12. EMPB IP services (PTT Telecom NL)				30 min
       o EMPB is going to introduce IP on it's network, EMPB will be 
         connected to some of the RIPE coordinated networks. Issues related
         to interworking between EMPB/IP and the European Internet will be
         presented and discussed.
       o Practical experience (W.Porten)

......................... Lunch 12:30 h  -  14:00 h ............................

13. Reports from the working groups.				 90 min

14. Date, place and time of next meetings                        15 min
       o April 27 - 29, Amsterdam

15. A.O.B.							 15 min

16  Closing

......................... End of day 3 16:00 h .................................