Name Change of General RIPE Mailing List

Dear Colleagues,

a happy and successfull 1993 to you all!

In 1992 it has happened more than once that an unsuspecting person sent
a message which was intended for the RIPE chairpeople or the NCC to this
whole list.  Therefore we have decided that the name of the list for
1993 (and thereafter, funding permitting :-) shall be



will henceforth point to the duty mail person at the NCC.  Any messages
recieved here wich are clearly intended for the list will be forwarded
of course. 
According to Internet custom the address for administrative requests
concering the list is:


The list is still unmoderated and we still encourage you to keep the
volume of messages on this general list to a minimum by using more
specific mailing lists where appropriate.  To this end here is the list
of current lists

	chair		RIPE chairpeople

	db-wg		RIPE Database working group

	dns-wg		DNS working group

	ip-provs	List of IP service providers used exclusively to
			forward requests for service.

	local-ir	Local Internet Registries

	maps-wg		RIPE Mapping working group

	nidus-wg	"Network Information Discovery and User Support"
			working group

	raec-wg		"Relations between Academic, Educational 
			and Commercial Networks" working group

	ripe-list	the general RIPE mailing list

	ripe-op		network operators 

	ripe-org	attendees of (past) RIPE meetings 
			This list is included in ripe-list!

	routing-wg	the Routing working group

Again all the best for this year from the NCC.

Daniel Karrenberg
NCC Manager