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Re: GMD and DFN agree on EMPB and EBONE

  • To: Klaus Birkenbihl < >
  • From:
  • Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 17:24:02 +0100
  • Cc:

Just a comment, (I do know some of the infighting issues on this
issue, nevertheless, I will stress that the issues are a lot broader
than strict "Research networking" these days).

How can a pilot service be a goal?
How can Germanys "non-R&D" related serviceproviders get international access
to the "Non-acceptable use policy" based Internet?

As I see it someone else could/should opt to provide a Ebone access so
that the German USERS can get services not provided elsewhere.


	 this is to inform you that the boards of DFN and GMD have signed a 
	 common statement on their position on EMPB and EBONE. This agreement 
	 emphazises the importance of EMPB and defines EMPB as the desired goal

	 As far as EBONE is concerned it opens the possibility to go ahead 
	 with the installation of an EBONE-EBS at GMD.

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