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Propsed Agenda for the RIPE-DB WG at the Paris Mtg.

  • To:
  • From: "Wilfried Woeber, ACOnet, +43(1)58801-3614" < >
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1992 16:46:25 MET
  • Cc:

  Dear RIPE'ers,

  below please find the draft agend for the proposed meeting of the RIPE-DB
  WG in Paris. Please forward any suggestions (additions, changes) to modify
  the agenda directly to me.

  I'm going to circulate supporting material for some of the proposals in
  separate messages. Reference to the item numbers on this proposed agenda
  are included.

  Please circulate any comments on these topics on "ripe@localhost", as agreed
  at the previous meeting of the RIPE-DB WG..

  Best regards, Wilfried.

	Proposed agend for the RIPE-DB WG at the Paris RIPE Meeting.

DB-WG 1. RIPE-DB Operational Issues

1.1	- change of DB format by NIC (nicnets.db)
	  issue raised by Ruediger Volk, Marten Terpstra
1.2	- addition of, or "nonstandard use" of fields
	  issue raised by Jean-Michel Jouanigot, Marten Terpstra
DB-WG 2. RIPE-DB Technical Issues

2.1	- definition of and agreeement on Autonomous System Object
	  issue raised by Daniel Karrenberg
	  >>input solicited from Ruediger Volk, Daniel Karrenberg
2.2	- proposal to add field *tech-l/*tl to objects where useful
	  proposal by Andreas Schachtner

2.3	- modification of *in field to take care of supernetting
	  proposal by Andreas Schachtner

2.4	- review of importance of Domain Object, superceded by RFC1183
	  issue raised by Daniel Karrenberg
2.5	- discussion on feasibility of general purpose extensions to DB
	  >>input (example for GARR usage) solicited from A. Blasco Bonito
DB-WG 3. RIPE-DB Organizational and Legal Issues

3.1	- ownership and "acceptable use" of RIPE-DB

3.2	- review/update of ripe-w02 describing the database objects

3.3	- coordination and future liaison with X.400/X.500/MHS activities

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