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RIPE meeting - agenda (draft)

			Draft Agenda 13th RIPE meeting

	The following points have been brought up as items for discussion in
	the plenary sessions of the forthcoming RIPE meeting. 
	Of course, the standard items will also be there: minutes, action
	points, working group reports, etc.
	People who have further suggestions, please let us know a.s.a.p.
	A copy of the meeting announcement is also attended to this message.

	1. RIPE position paper

	2. RIPE and RARE
	   - the technical program
	   - report from the RARE CoA

	3. EBONE progress report

	4. EMPB IP services

	   - report
	   - the future of

	6. Global Address Assignement

	7. IP Registration form
	   - can we have a common format among all NICs


		R I P E  meeting announcement
	This is to announce that the 13th RIPE meeting will take place:

	dates:		30 September	14:00h - 18:00h
			 1 October	09:00h - 18:00h
			 2 October      09:00h - 16:00h

	place:		Ecole Nationale Superieure
			des Telecommunications (Telecom Paris)
  			46, rue Barrault
  			Paris 13

	metro:          - Place d'Italie,  or
			- Corvisart

	NOTE:		- In order to facilitate  the logistics of the
			  meeting, could you please give notice of your
			  coming a.s.a. possible to  anne@localhost
			  and NOT TO THE LIST.
			- old hands: please bring your RIPE badge
			- newcomers: please provide the following info
			  for your badge: + full name
					  + affiliation
					  + country
                          to the above address.

        Agenda:         a detailed agenda will be mailed the first week of 
			September. Don't hesitate to suggest topics of
	Appended to this announcement:

	   - how to reach the meeting place

	   - hotels in Paris


	How to reach the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications 

  - Take the RER-B to Chatelet from the airport.

  - Transfer to Line 7, direction Mairie d'Ivry/Villejuif.
    Don't get lost, it's a bit of a labyrinth.

  - Get off at the metro station Place d'Italie.

  - Exit onto "rue Bobillot".

  - Walk south-west down rue Bobillot until you come to the second set of
    traffic lights and a church on the right-hand corner. 

  - Turn left and walk west on rue Tolbiac.

  - After 4 short blocks, you will find yourself standing in front of
    a large, fairly modern apartment build with a highly visible "La Poste"
    sign in front.
  - Turn right up the street (rue Barrault), go 20m, and you will be
    standing in front of the main entrance of the school.

  - Directions will be posted inside.


Hotels in Paris, conveniently reachable from the meeting place:

Name/Price	     Address			   Phone	    Fax

Hotel Urbis          177, rue de Tolbiac
FF 350               75013 Paris

TIM Hotel            22, rue Barrault 
FF 360               75013 Paris

Pullman St-Jacques   17, bd St-Jacques
FF 1015              75014 Paris

Hotel Etchegarry     43, rue Broulebaide
FF unknown           75013 Paris

All phone and fax numbers should be read as: +33 1 <quoted number>

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