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4th Joint European Networking Conference Announcement and Call for


4th Joint European Networking Conference:


Trondheim, 10 - 13 May 1993

Organized by RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne)

in cooperation with:

o EARN               o IFIP TC6         o Internet Architecture Board

o Internet Society   o NORDUnet         o UNINETT


The theme of the conference - European Networking in a Global Context
- acknowledges the fact that networks covering a specific geographical
area or networks for a specific user group will only be successful if
they are connected to the rest of the world.  Global connectivity
offered to a large number of users and applications makes networks
more interesting to use.  Considering that in Europe today only a
small fraction of all academic and research staff are network users,
it is fair to say that there is still a long road ahead of us.  This
conference is intended to explore the next steps to take.

The conference addresses all staff from networking service providers
of all sizes as well as application developers, policy makers and
representatives of funding bodies, advanced user groups and standards
organizations.  Much emphasis is again placed on cooperation between
members of different networking communities, building on the positive
experiences of the previous Joint European Networking Conferences.

This conference is THE forum on networking for research in Europe and
presents a unique opportunity to meet key people active in the field


Trondheim is the third largest city in Norway. Founded in 997 AD by
the Viking King Olav Tryggvason, the city lies on a bend in the river
on the edge of Trondheim fjord. During the Middle Ages, Trondheim was
the capital of Norway and a major place of pilgrimage.
Today Trondheim is a national centre of technical education, research
and development.  The campus of the Norwegian Institute of Technology
(NTH), part of the University of Trondheim, offers good conference
facilities and provides an excellent background for a leading network
conference such as the JENC.

Trondheim is easily reached. Trondheim Airport has direct flights to
Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm and further connections to European and
overseas destinations.


As at previous Joint Networking Conferences, the programme will
include a combination of solicited and submitted papers.  Slots of 30
minutes will be assigned to speakers, which include time for questions
and discussion.  In special cases two slots of 30 minutes may be
assigned to one speaker.  Two-page summaries of proposed papers should
arrive at the programme chair (Bernhard Plattner) not later than
November 1, mentioning the topic against which the author would like
his paper assessed.

Accepted papers must be submitted in full to the programme chair not
later than April 10, 1993, in order to provide a full set of papers to
the Conference participants.  The full papers will be evaluated in a
formal review process; good papers will be selected for publication in
a special issue of "Computer Networks and ISDN Systems".


Submitted papers should be related to one of the major topics of the
general outline of the conference given below:

Lower Layer Technology

Transmission Technology
Operational Experience
Pilot Projects

Mail And Messaging

Service Requirements and Performance
End-user Requirements
Mail Routing

Network Infrastructure

Network Management
Quality of Service Definition and Measurement
Global Interconnection Issues
Reaching 'Off-campus' and Mobile Users

Network Applications

Directory Services
Multimedia Mail and Document Transfer
Management of Distributed Applications
Group Communications and Conferencing
Information Services
Distance Learning


User Requirements
The Network as Information Resource
Education and Training for Users
Cataloguing and Discovering Network Resources
Discipline-oriented User Groups


Administrative Requirements and Procedures
National and International Policy and Legal Issues
Authentication and Authorization
Secure Applications

Policy, Funding, and Strategies

Economic Impact of Networking
Electronic Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights
International Export vs. Legal Restrictions

Status Reports of National Initiatives and European Projects

Results of COSINE
National Networks and Activities
Central and Eastern European Activities
EARN / EurOpen / RIPE


As in previous years, a poster wall will be available for the display
of posters.  Participants are invited to submit a poster presentation
of the project they work on or a topic of common interest to the
conference participants.  The programme committee will select the best
two posters during the conference for inclusion in the conference
proceedings.  The best poster wins a free registration to the next

During the conference there will again be the opportunity for
participants to present their project or activities in the form of a
demonstration, either as part of their presentation or separately.
Requests for demonstrations should be made through the RARE
Secretariat, specifying technical requirements before November 1
(later proposals will be taken into account but can not be guaranteed
booth space).  X.25 and IP connectivity will be provided.

Demonstrators are requested to submit an updated one-page description
of their demonstration for inclusion in the conference package before
April 10, 1993.  The programme committee will select the best
demonstrator who will win a free registration to the next JENC.


This year for the first time tutorials will be organized.  They will
be held at the end of the conference, on Thursday afternoon and Friday
morning.  Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials should arrive
at the programme chair before the 1st of November, 1992.

The programme committee also invites prospective attendees to send
a list of topics on which a Tutorial would be appreciated to the
programme chair before November 1, 1992.


Based on the successful conferences of the previous years, the format
of the Conference has not changed, with the exception of the addition
of Tutorials. The conference starts at 14:00 on Monday 10 May 1993 and
runs until 12:30 on Thursday 13 May 1993. No sessions will be
scheduled for the Wednesday morning, allowing participants to organize
BoFs.  As usual many international meetings will be scheduled around
the Conference.


Bernhard Plattner, Josefien Bersee, Howard Davies, Marieke Dekker,
Frode Greisen, Alf Hansen, Petter Kongshaug, Barry Leiner, Paul-Andre
Pays, Paul Van Binst


November 1, 1992   deadline for two-page summaries of proposed papers
November 1, 1992   deadline for proposed tutorials
December 15, 1992  deadline for proposed demonstrations
End January, 1993  notification of acceptance of papers to speakers
April 10, 1992     deadline for submission of full papers and one page
                   up-to-date demonstration descriptions
                   (camera-ready) for the conference hand-out
May 10-13, 1993    4th Joint European Networking Conference
May 13-14, 1993    Tutorials


Further information:                   General and Programme Chair:

RARE Secretariat                       Bernhard Plattner
Singel 466-468                         c/o Singel 466-468
NL-1017 AW AMSTERDAM                   NL-1017 AW AMSTERDAM

tel: +31 20 639 1131                   tel: +31 20 639 1131
fax: +31 20 639 3289                   fax: +31 20 639 3289

e-mail RFC822  raresec@localhost         plattner@localhost
e-mail X.400   C=nl; ADMD=400net;      C=nl; ADMD=400net; PRMD=surf;
PRMD=surf; O=rare; S= raresec;         O=rare; S= plattner;

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