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Response appreciated : Survey on Telephone Number Structure

  • From: HiroHOTTA < >
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 00:17:28 +0900
  • Reply-to:

Dear Colleagues,
(BENUM Trial Japan (ETJP) was established in September this year 
(Bfollowing one year's on-the-desk study. In the study so far, 
(BJapanese community that has interestes in ENUM, including the 
(Bgovernment, have come to know that the telephone numbering plan 
(Band the ENUM DNS delegation model are very related to each other.
(BWith this background, I think a survey on the telephone numbering 
(Bplan in each country/ecomony is useful. I proposed a survey in 
(Ba ccTLD meeting held along with Carthage ICANN meeting last month 
(Band the proposal was agreed among them.
(BHere let me send you the questionnaire for survey of telephone 
(Bnumber structure in each country/economy. Forgive me if you 
(Bhave already received this questionnaire. as this has already 
(Bbeen sent to ccTLD community cctld-discuss@localhost. I'd 
(Bappreciate your response, hopefully in 2 weeks.
(BI hope this survey gives all of us information about "what kind 
(Bof numbering plans and ENUM delegation models are our options" 
(Bto go forward with IP phone and ENUM.
(B<purpose of the survey>
(BFrom the viewpoint of DNS management and operation, Numbering Plan 
(Bfor telephony service very much affects the ENUM Tier model to take. 
(BIn considering appropriate numbering rules for IP Telephony and 
(BENUM, information sharing about the numbering plans for IP phones in 
(Beach country/economy is useful to decide Telephone Numbering Plan 
(Bappropriate for ENUM era and appropriate ENUM Tier structure.
(BTo exchange the information, here I send you questionnaire. I'd 
(Bappreciate it if you'd support this survey and respond me 
(Bhotta@localhost in 2 weeks. Responds are collected and put into 
(Ba survey report and I'll send the report back to you.
(B0. Respondent's Information
(B0-1. Your country-code (2 letters)
(B          __________________________________
(B0-2. Your country-code of telephone number (digits)
(B          __________________________________
(B0-3. Your name
(B          __________________________________
(B0-4. Your mail address
(B          __________________________________
(B1. How is the framework of the numbering rule in your country/economy?
(B   (1)Title of the regulation/legislation
(B      _____________________________________________________________
(B   (2)Reference URL of the regulation/legislation:
(B      _____________________________________________________________
(B   (3)The regulation/legislation is developed by:
(B      _____________________________________________________________
(B   (4)The regulation/legislation is administered by:
(B      _____________________________________________________________
(B   (5)Prefixes:
(B      For Geographic use __________________________________
(B      For Private Network Use______________________________
(B      For Cellular phone __________________________________
(B      For Toll free phone _________________________________
(B      For premium rate services____________________________
(B      For IP Telephony ____________________________________
(B      For ENUM Use ________________________________________
(B2. Do you have a number space for IP telephony?
(B2-1. If not yet defined;
(B      __ It is under consideration. 
(B      __ We do not plan to define the number dedicated to IP telephony service.
(B2-2. If you have the dedicated number space only for IP telephony service;
(B     (1)Is it easily recognized code?
(B        __ Yes
(B        __ No
(B     (2)Is it for geographic use?
(B        __ Yes
(B        __ No
(B2-3. If the number for IP telephony is defined in the existing numbering rule;
(B    (1)Which number space is used? ________________________
(B    (2)Is it easily recognized code?
(B       __ Yes
(B       __ No
(B    (3)Is it for geographic use?
(B       __ Yes
(B       __ No
(B3. Do you have a number space for ENUM trial?
(B3-1. If not yet defined;
(B      __ It is under consideration. 
(B      __ We do not plan to define the number for ENUM trial.
(B3-2. If you have the dedicated number space only for ENUM trial;
(B     (1)Is it easily recognized code?
(B        __ Yes
(B        __ No
(B     (2)Is it for geographic use?
(B        __ Yes
(B        __ No
(B3-3. If the number space for ENUM trial is defined in the existing
(B     numbering rule;
(B    (1)Which number space is used? ________________________
(B    (2)Is it easily recognized code?
(B       __ Yes
(B       __ No
(B    (3)Is it for geographic use?
(B       __ Yes
(B       __ No
(B    (4)What are the criteria for operators who are allocated such numbers?
(B       ________________________________________________________
(B4. Do you have a number space for ENUM service?
(B4-1. If not yet defined,
(B      __ It is under consideration. 
(B      __ We do not plan to define the number for ENUM service.
(B4-2. If you have the dedicated number space only for ENUM service;
(B     (1)Is it easily recognized code?
(B        __ Yes
(B        __ No
(B     (2)Is it for geographic use?
(B        __ Yes
(B        __ No
(B4-3. If the number space for ENUM service is defined in the existing
(B     numbering rule;
(B    (1)Which number space is used? ________________________
(B    (2)Is it easily recognized code?
(B       __ Yes
(B       __ No
(B    (3)Is it for geographic use?
(B       __ Yes
(B       __ No
(B    (4)What are the criteria for operators who are allocated such numbers?

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