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Supporting Notes for the IPv6 Internet Exchange Points Assignment Request Form

Publication date:
13 Feb 2009
PDF (139.7 KB)

This document contains instructions for LIRs on how to complete the “IPv6 Internet Exchange Points Assignment Request Form”.

The instructions are based on the “IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy”.

General Information

% Please add your RegID.
request-type: ipv6-for-ixp
form-version: 1.2
x-ncc-regid: nl.bluelight

Please do not change the value of the “request-type:” and “form-version:” fields.

Enter your Registry Identifier (RegID) in the “x-ncc-regid:” field. RegIDs have the following format: <country code>.<name>. If you do not know your RegID, please contact <[email protected]>.

Requester Template

% Please add your contact details.
name: John Smith
phone: +123 45 678910
fax-no: +123 45 678911
email: [email protected]
nic-hdl: HOHO1-RIPE

Enter your contact details in the requester template. You must be a registered contact for the LIR. The LIR Portal contains a list of registered contacts for your LIR.

Please use the international dialling codes (for example, +31 for the Netherlands,) in the “phone:” and “fax-no:” fields.

Enter your NIC handle, if you have one, in the “nic-hdl:” field.

Overview of Organisation Template

% Is this request being sent by a sponsoring LIR on behalf of an
% End User? (Yes/No)

end-user-of-sponsoring-lir: Yes

% If yes, please confirm that the "End User Assignment Agreement"
% contains all of the elements listed in paragraph 2.0 of
% "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders
% in the RIPE NCC Service Region". (Yes/No)

confirmation: Yes

% Which IXP will use the requested address space?
% Please include the IXP's membership policy.

org-description: Ruritania IXP. The joining requirements are online at

If this request is sent for an End User of a sponsoring LIR, you should answer 'Yes' in the “end-user-of-sponsoring-lir” field.

If you answered 'Yes' you should also confirm that all of the elements of paragraph 2.0 of “Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region” are listed in the 'End User Assignment Agreement' that is signed by the End User and the sponsoring LIR. PI assignments can only be made to End Users if there is a signed 'End User Assignment Agreement' between the sponsoring LIR and the End User.

You can find an example agreement at at
You can send us an agreement in your local language or use the English version.

If this request is sent by a Direct Assignment User, you answer 'No' to the above two questions. Direct Assignment Users have already signed an 'End User Assignment Agreement' with the RIPE NCC. If the request is for an LIR, you should also answer with 'No'.

In the “org-description:” field, write a short description of the organisation operating as an Internet Exchange Point (IXP). Please include references which show that the organisation operates as an IXP and that the requirements to join the IXP are open and clear. You can add a URL or attach a document which contains this information.

User Template

% Who is the contact person for this IXP?

name: Fred Bloggs
organisation: Ruritania IXP
country: NN
phone: +123 45 678910
fax-no: +123 45 678911
email: [email protected]

Enter the legal name and primary location of the organisation in the “organisation:” and “country:” fields.

Please use international dialling codes (for example, +31 for the Netherlands,) in the “phone:” and “fax-no:” fields.

Member Peering Information Template

% If the IXP has an online list of members, please add the
% URL below.


% If you will include this list as an attachment, please
% enter "Yes" below.


% Please add the contact details for three of these members.

organisation-1: Bluelight B.V.
as-number-1: AS65444
e-mail-1: [email protected]

organisation-2: Bank of Ruritania Inc.
as-number-2: AS65333
e-mail-2: [email protected]

organisation-3: Ruritania Telecom
as-number-3: AS65222
e-mail-3: [email protected]

% If possible, please add the URL of a looking glass where
% we can verify this information:


You must provide a list of the IXP's members. If this list is online, please add the URL of the IXP's website in the “member-peering-list:” field. If you attach the list to your request, enter ‘yes' in the “member-peering-attached:” field.

Enter the organisation name, Autonomous System (AS) number and the contact e-mail address for three of the IXPs members.

If possible, add the URL of a looking glass in the "looking glass:" field so we can verify this information.

Current Address Space Usage Template

% If the IXP has any IPv6 assignments, please list them below.
subnet: none

Please specify address prefixes using slash notation (for example, y:y:y::/yy). You can repeat the “subnet:” field as many times as needed.

Addressing Plan

% When will the IXP use the requested address space?
% Subnet Within Within Within
% size (/nn) 3 months 1 year 2 years Purpose
subnet: /64 x - - *see supplemental
subnet: /64 x - - comments section

The addressing plan shows when the IXP plans to use the address space.

Enter the size of each subnet in the “Subnet size (/nn)” column. Please specify the size using IPv6 slash notation (for example, /48). You can repeat the “subnet:” field as many times as needed.

In the “Purpose” column, write a short description for each subnet. If needed, you can write a more detailed description in the “Insert Supplemental Comments” section at the end of the form.

Complete the remaining columns with a cross (x) or a dash (-). For example, if you will use a subnet within three months, enter a cross in the “Within 3 months” column and a dash in both the “Within 1 year” and “Within 2 years” columns.

Supplemental Comments

% Please add more information if you think it will help
% us understand this request.

We will have 2 separate subnets. One for our 30 banking members who
require secure transactions, and one for our 200 regular ISP
members. Each member will use a /128.

You can use this space for additional information that you think will be helpful for us when we evaluate your request.

Supporting Documentation

% If this request is being sent by a sponsoring LIR on behalf of
% an End User, please attach a copy of the signed
% "End User Assignment Agreement" and the company registration papers
% of the End User.
% You can also attach a network diagram or other supporting documentation.
% Have you attached any files/documents to this request? (Yes/No)

file-attached: Yes

For each IPv6 IXP assignment that is requested through a sponsoring LIR for an End User, we need to receive a copy of 'End User Assignment Agreement' and the company registration papers of the End User.

If this request is for an LIR or a “Direct Assignment User”, you do not have to attach a copy of 'End User Assignment Agreement' and company registration papers.

A network diagram (topology map) can help us to understand the set-up of the network and its addressing needs.

Database Template(s)

% Please complete all of the fields below.
netname: RURIXP
descr: Ruritania IXP
country: NL
org: ORG-Bb2-RIPE
admin-c: HOHO1-RIPE
tech-c: HOHO1-RIPE
status: ASSIGNED
mnt-lower: RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by: SANTA-MNT
mnt-domains: SANTA-MNT
mnt-routes: SANTA-MNT
changed: [email protected]
source: RIPE

Leave the “inet6num:” field empty as we (the RIPE NCC) will complete it.

The “netname:” should be a short, descriptive name for the network and should reflect the name of the organisation operating the IXP.

Enter the legal name of the organisation operating the IXP in the “descr:” field.

Enter the ISO country code of the organisation in the “country:” field.

Enter the org-ID of the organisation object in the “org:” field. You can create organisation objects using 'webupdates'.

Person and role objects contain information about people. Each object has a unique NIC handle (nic-hdl). You can create person and role objects using webupdates.

The nic-hdl of the role or person object entered in the “admin-c:” field should be for someone who has administrative responsibilities for the network.

The nic-hdl of the role or person object entered in the “tech-c:” field should be for someone who has technical knowledge of the network.

The “status:” field must be ASSIGNED.

Maintainers protect objects in the RIPE Whois Database. They contain the information needed to authorise creation, deletion or modification of these objects. You can create maintainers using the 'Maintainer Editor' (

One of the “mnt-by:” fields must be RIPE-NCC-END-MNT. Enter the IXP's maintainer in the other “mnt-by:” field. The IXP will be able to update the inet6num object using webupdates.

The “mnt-lower:” field must be RIPE-NCC-END-MNT.

The “mnt-domains:” field shows which maintainer authorises the creation of domain objects for the assignment.

The “mnt-routes:” field shows which maintainer authorises the creation of route6 objects for the assignment.

All of the objects that you enter in the template must already exist in the RIPE Whois Database.

The “changed:” field must be [email protected].

The “source:” field must be RIPE.

End of Request


Best Regards,
John Smith, Bluelight Admin

Please write your full name below the “#[END of REQUEST]# ” header.