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Minutes 45th Executive Board Meeting

17 November 2004

Author: Paul Rendek
Date: 2004/12/14

Revision No.: 1.2

Frode Greisen, ICANN Liaison
Manfredo Miserocchi, Member
Kees Neggers, Chairman
Nigel Titley, Secretary
János Zsakó, Treasurer

Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
Paul Rendek, Head of Member Services & Comms., RIPE NCC
Jochem de Ruig, Chief Financial Officer, RIPE NCC (for items 6-8)

Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chairman (for items 1-5)


  1. Agenda / Comments
    1.1. Apologies
    1.2. Approval of Previous Minutes, #44
    1.3. Date of Next Meetings
  2. Outstanding Actions
  3. Approval of Minutes of General Meeting
  4. Report from the RIPE NCC
  5. External Relations
    5.1. ICANN
    5.1.1. Appointment of third NRO NC / ASO AC member
    5.2. NRO
    5.3. RIPE
  6. Authorisation of Rental Contract Renewal
  7. Approval of Activity Plan 2005
  8. Approval of Budget 2005
  9. AOB
    9.1. Date and time for the RIPE NCC Christmas Party
    9.2. Signing of Financial Report 2003

Kees Neggers, RIPE NCC Executive Board Chair opened the meeting at 09:30.

1. Agenda / Comments

The meeting agreed the agenda. No new agenda items were proposed.

1.1. Apologies

1.2. Approval of Previous Minutes, #44

The Executive Board approved the Minutes of the 44th RIPE NCC Executive Board Meeting.

1.3. Date of Next Meetings

The Board has provisionally reserved 17 December 2004 for an Exec. Board meeting. It was agreed that this meeting would only take place if the Board felt that it was necessary to meet.

Should no meeting take place in December 2004, Exec. Board meeting #46 will take place on:
EB# 46, Thursday, 31 March 2005 from 13:00-17:00. The meeting will take place at the RIPE NCC offices in Amsterdam.

2. Outstanding Actions

The status of outstanding actions and new action items are attached at the end of this document.

3. Approval of Minutes of General Meeting

The Board approved the Minutes of the September 2004 General Meeting.

EB104 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to ensure that the feedback given on the Activity Plan Support Doc. be incorporated into the document.

4. Report from the RIPE NCC

Axel provided the Board with a status report from the RIPE NCC. Axel stated that the report would be available on the Executive Board document repository.

The Board asked Axel how control in the organisation was carried out with regards to projects and timekeeping. Axel explained the control mechanisms in place and the focus on a project based work environment that will be in place from the beginning of the coming year. It was noted that timekeeping of projects and resources spent on projects will be in place from the beginning of the coming year.

The Board discussed the current status of the AfriNIC transition and the support that AfriNIC has received thus far from its potential membership. The Board will continue to monitor the transition progress.

5. External Relations

Axel provided a report on the RIPE NCC external relations efforts carried out since the last Board meeting.

- Questions / Discussion -
The Board was pleased with the progress of support being given to the RIRs with regard to the NRO response to the memorandum "ITU and Internet Governance" published by Houlin Zhao of the ITU. They were in support of the long-term activities in this area.

The Board requested an update on the Service Agreement re-signing activity. Axel reported that the contracts were steadily flowing back to the RIPE NCC and that the project was on track as scheduled.

5.1. ICANN

Axel outlined the latest developments in ICANN and reported on the signing of the ASO MoU. Axel stated that the RIRs are now waiting for the IANA service contract.

Axel reconfirmed that the RIRs agreed to pay 50% of the outstanding fee payments to ICANN upon the signing of the ASO MoU and that the remainder would be settled after agreement of the IANA service contract.

- Questions / Discussion -

The Board asked for an update on the progress of the IANA service agreement. Axel confirmed that the RIRs were currently working on the draft service agreement and that the document draft was expected to be ready for review before the end of 2004.

The Board asked whether the service agreement was going to be proposed by the NRO or by the RIRs.

EB105 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked that the NRO outline a strategy to implement the IANA service agreement contract and propose how this contract should be formulated and reviewed by the RIR Boards.

5.1.1. Appointment of third NRO NC / ASO AC member

Axel presented the transition phase of the seat for the NRO NC. He confirmed that this individual would also serve on the ASO AC as the RIR appointed member.

The Board agreed to appoint the NRO NC member, during the transition phase, for a period of one year to the day, that would coincide with the expiry of the seat from the current ASO AC term.

The Board agreed to appoint Wilfried Woeber to the NRO NC for the year 2005.

EB106 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked Axel to formally approach Wilfried Woeber to offer an appointment to the NRO NC.

The Board briefly discussed the procedures for appointments to the NRO NC after the transition phase.

5.2. NRO

The meeting discussed the incorporation of the NRO as well as physical locations where the NRO could incorporate. The Board wanted to ensure that English language competency and the legal system of the country must be taken into account when proposing a location.

The Board asked for more regular and detailed information on NRO plans and activities.

5.3. RIPE

Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chair, provided an update on RIPE and its activities.

The Board briefly discussed the schedule of the RIPE meeting to see how the RIPE NCC General Meeting would be scheduled.

Rob stated that during the RIPE Working Group (WG) Chair meeting scheduled for January 2005, the meeting would discuss the structure of the RIPE meetings. This will include all WGs, the EOF, RIPE NCC General Meeting as well as meetings held adjacent to the RIPE meetings. He also confirmed that the meeting would outline the responsibilities of RIPE WG Chairs. In addition, the WG Chairs will discuss the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP) at this meeting.

The Board brought no questions forward. The Chair thanked Rob for his update.

6. Authorisation of Rental Contract Renewal

Jochem de Ruig presented the Board with the outcome of negotiations that took place with the landlord of the RIPE NCC offices.

EB107 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to approach the landlord and renegotiate the terms of the contract for office space rental.

7. Approval of Activity Plan 2005

The Meeting discussed the publication preparations for the Activity Plan 2005.

The Board discussed its involvement in the production and planning of the yearly Activity Plan.

The Board discussed the level of financial reporting to the membership of projects that fall outside of the core activities of the RIPE NCC.

EB108 17/11/04 / AP
The Board requested that the RIPE NCC produce a more concise version of the "RIPE NCC Activity Planning Support Document" to publish as the RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2005.

8. Approval of Budget 2005

The Board has asked the RIPE NCC to revise the budget to include more detailed information on specific activities of the RIPE NCC.

EB108 17/11/04 / AP
The RIPE NCC will produce a revised version of the RIPE NCC budget 2005 for the board for review by the first week of December 2004.

9. AOB

No additional points of business were brought forward.

9.1. Date and time for the RIPE NCC Christmas Party

Axel announced that the RIPE NCC staff Christmas event would take place on 17 December 2004 and invited all Board members and their partners to this event.

9.2. Signing of Financial Report 2003

The Board signed the RIPE NCC Financial Report 2003.

The Chair closed the meeting at 13:00

Outstanding Actions:

EB103 05/05/04 / AP
The RIPE NCC is tasked to split the current reserves of the RIPE NCC into two accounts at different banks with the same or higher credit rating.
Status 22/06/04: Ongoing, Axel stated that the RIPE NCC was currently busy with this action point and will keep the Board informed.
Status 14/09/04: Awaiting board meeting in Amsterdam to facilitate authentication of board members to Rabobank.
Status 17/11/04: Kees Neggers and János Zsakó were scheduled to meet with the Rabobank following the Executive Board Meeting.

New Actions:

EB104 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to ensure that the feedback given on the Activity Plan Support Doc. be incorporated into the document.

EB105 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked that the NRO outline a strategy to implement the IANA service agreement contract and propose how this contract should be formulated and reviewed by the RIR Boards.

EB106 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked Axel to formally approach Wilfried Woeber to offer an appointment to the NRO NC.

EB107 17/11/04 / AP
The Board asked the RIPE NCC to approach the landlord and renegotiate the terms of the contract for office space rental.

EB108 17/11/04 / AP
The Board requested that the RIPE NCC produce a more concise version of the "RIPE NCC Activity Planning Support Document" to publish as the RIPE NCC Activity Plan 2005.

EB109 17/11/04 / AP
The RIPE NCC will produce a revised version of the RIPE NCC budget 2005 for the board for review by the first week of December 2004.